Publication Date: 2024-08-18
11 year old female Australian Shepherd. 4 days of anorexia. Vomited yesterdays. Diarrhea two days.
3 images
Abdomen: The serosal detail is adequate for the age and body condition score of the patient. The liver is within normal limits. The spleen is within normal limits. Both kidneys are normal. There is no evidence of adrenal changes. The urinary bladder is within normal limits. There is moderate uteromegaly which is fluid filled throughout. The GI tract is within normal limits. No evidence of free fluid, free gas, or mass effect. Mild gynecomastia. Overall the remainder of the abdomen is unremarkable. Incidental ventral spondylosis at the level of the the thoracic, TL, and lumbosacral junction.
Uteromegaly. Considered pyometra, vs mucometra, hemometra, hydrometra. Less likely neoplasia.