Case of the week 6.5.23

Case of the week 4.24.23

University of Tennessee

Publication Date: 2023-06-05


11 year old golden. Anorexia for the last 4 days. Referring veterinarian has administered barium for upper GI series

6 images



Orthogonal radiographs of the abdomen are available for interpretation.

Abdominal serosal margin detail is normal. Positive contrast medium has been administered and is seen filling the stomach and multiple segments of small intestine. In the mid to caudal abdomen a segment of small intestine contains a large amount of striated soft tissue opaque material. The positive contrast abruptly ends orad to this segment. The small intestine just orad is mildly to moderately distended. The remaining small intestine is normal in size. The colon contains a small volume of gas. The liver, spleen, visible margins of the kidneys, and urinary bladder are normal. There is multifocal, mild spondylosis deformans, considered incidental.



The patient underwent surgical explore and a sock was removed. The case was initially seen by Dr Griffith.
