Case of the week 5.30.23

Case of the week 4.24.23

University of Tennessee

Publication Date: 2023-05-30


5 year old male castrated cat. Has been treated for elevated renal values.

3 images



The cardiac silhouette is moderately to severely enlarged occupying greater than 2/3 the height of the thoracic cavity and almost the entire width of the thoracic cavity on the ventrodorsal radiograph. The right cranial lobar pulmonary vein is mildly enlarged compared to the corresponding artery. The pulmonary arteries are enlarged and mildly tortuous. There is a mild, diffuse unstructured interstitial to bronchointerstitial pulmonary pattern.

There is a small volume of fluid in the pleural space of both hemithoraces which widens the pleural fissures. The cranial mediastinum is widened on the ventrodorsal radiograph and there is a focal, rounded, soft tissue opaque convexity immediately dorsal to the second sternebra. There is a small volume of incidental gas within the intrathoracic esophagus.



The case was initially seen by Dr Monto
