Case of the week 8.2.21
Publication Date: 2021-08-02
5 images
Left lateral, right lateral, and ventrodorsal abdominal radiographs (5 images total) are available for review.
There is a large amount of gas in the urinary bladder lumen as well as tracking throughout the urinary bladder wall. In the dorsoventral view, there is the impression of gas pockets also tracking along the outer margin of the urinary bladder wall. No free gas is detected in the remainder of the abdomen.
The liver is moderately enlarged and has a rounded caudal margin.
The serosal detail and remaining intraabdominal structures are normal. There is a large amount of ingesta in the gastrointestinal tract. The included skeletal structures and caudal thorax are normal.
- Severe emphysematous cystitis, consistent with bacterial infection and predisposed by the reported diabetes mellitus. The impression of gas tracking outside of the urinary bladder wall is suspected to be artifactual. Urinary bladder rupture and pneumoperitoneum cannot be entirely excluded.
- Hepatomegaly is most consistent with a metabolic hepatopathy given the reported diabetes mellitus.