Case of the week 4.19.21
Publication Date: 2021-04-19
10 year old, male castrated, Beagle. Left hind limb lameness.
2 images
Orthogonal radiographs of the pelvis are available for interpretation.
There is a large soft tissue opaque mass associated with the soft tissues dorsal to the pelvis on the lateral view. There is fluid streaking within the subcutaneous fat surrounding this mass.
There are amorphous mineral structures within this mass. There is lysis and ill-defined irregular to spiculated periosteal proliferation along the dorsal and lateral aspect of the wing of the left ilium.
There are bilateral mild chronic degenerative changes affecting the coxofemoral joints.
- Large soft tissue mass with mineralization, causing lysis and periosteal proliferation of the left ilium, is most consistent with a soft tissue neoplasia (such as soft tissue sarcoma) with secondary invasion into the left ilium.
Thoracic radiographs did not show any evidence of pulmonary metastasis. FNAs of the mass were most suggestive of a sarcoma. The patient has been discharged on pain management pending owner's decision to pursue treatment.