Gastrothorax cat
Publication Date: 2020-11-16
5 month old domestic shorthair cat. 1 month history of intermittent labored breathing
3 images
Opposite lateral and VD radiographs of the thorax are available for interpretation.
A large, ovoid soft tissue opaque structure containing granular material and small gas foci, consistent with post-prandial stomach, is seen in the mid to caudal aspect of the left hemithorax, causing displacement of the cardiac silhouette towards the right. The margin of the left aspect of the diaphragm is not seen, and there is mild retraction of the left cranial lung from the thoracic wall, with fluid opacity in the pleural space. On the lateral views, there is a triangular soft tissue opacity ventral to the area of the cardiac silhouette. An area of apparent increased pulmonary opacity is seen in the right cranial thorax. On the portion of the abdomen included, the liver is visible, the stomach is absent and the transverse colon is seen in amore cranial location than normal. There is virtually no falciform fat ventral to the liver. The spleen is not identified. Open physis are consistent with the young age of this patient.
Gastrothorax, with mild associated pleural effusion; further herniation of falciform fat, and possibly a lobe of the liver, through the left-sided diaphragmatic tear is also considered. The area of increased pulmonary opacity in the right cranial thorax is likely due to atelectasis from decreased lung volume; a focus of pneumonia cannot however be excluded.
The case was initially seen by Dr. Morandi and Stokowski