Case of the week 9.28.20

Adrien-Maxence Hespel

University of Tennessee

Publication Date: 2020-09-28


5 year old German Shepherd dog. Jumped out of car

2 images



Orthogonal views of the right stifle have been performed.

There is a close complete transverse fracture of the proximolateral aspect of the patella is unchanged. The patella remains superimposed with the patellar groove on the cranio-caudal view. There remain small round mineral foci superimposed with the infrapatellar fat pad between the distal aspect of the patella and the proximal tibia on the lateral views. There is intracapsular effusion. There is increased extracapsular soft tissue swelling along the lateral aspect of the distal femur.


Fracture of the base of the right patella. The smaller mineral foci may represent small fracture fragments or superimposed debris. The soft tissue swelling along the lateral skin margin of the distal femur is consistent with edema/hemorrhage secondary to the reported trauma.


Surgical repair was performed. While in surgery, an additional fracture of the distal femur was noted and corrected.
