Publication Date: 2020-06-29
2 year old German Shepherd dog. Left forelimb lameness
6 images
Study: Lateral, flexed lateral and caudocranial radiographs of the elbows are acquired.
Left elbow: There is separation of the left anconeal process from the olecranon by a well-defined radiolucent gap. The margins of the anconeal process are well-defined and the fragment measure approximately 1.0cm x 0.46cm (calibrated). There is moderate peri-articular osseous proliferation of the elbow, including the proximal olecranon, humeral head, and medial epicondyle. The medial coronoid process is blunted, ill-defined, and sclerotic. On the caudocranial view, there is an ill-defined, ovoid mineral structure at the medial aspect of the humeroantebrachial joint. There is subtrochlear sclerosis and trabeculation. There is mild intracapsular soft tissue swelling of the humeroantebrachial joint. There is an incidental separate center of ossification at the cranial aspect of the manubrium.
Right elbow: The medial coronoid margin is ill-defined proximally on the lateral views. There is mild subtrochlear sclerosis and trabeculation. There are no other abnormalities.
The patient bilaterally has incidental protuberances at the cranioproximal aspects of the olecranon tuberosities.
- Left elbow: Ununited anconeal process, medial coronoid disease with a suspect fragmented coronoid versus fractured osteophyte, and mild to moderate degenerative joint disease. Mild elbow effusion, capsular thickening and/or synovial hyperplasia.
- Right elbow: suspect medial coronoid disease.
CT could be performed for further evaluation if indicated.