Case of the week 3.30.20

Adrien-Maxence Hespel

University of Tennessee

Publication Date: 2020-03-30


13 year old female spayed dog. History of anal gland adenocarcinoma 2 years aago (AGASACA)

6 images



Orthogonal radiographs of the abdomen are available for intepretation

The serosal detail is within normal limits.

There is a well defined, ovoid, soft tissue opaque mass, measuring approximately 6.5cm in diameter, within the dorsal aspect of the pelvic canal causing marked ventral deviation of the colon.

The liver is mildly diffusely enlarged, extending past the costal arch. The spleen is mildly enlarged. The kidneys and urinary bladder remain normal. The GI tract is otherwise normal.

The GI tract is otherwise normal. There remains incidental lumbosacral spondylosis deformans.



Case initially seen by Dr Morandi
