Case of the week 11.12.18
Publication Date: 2018-11-12
6 images
- How many masses are within the abdominal cavity?0
The serosal detail remains normal.
There is focal, caudal deviation of the gastric axis at the level of the pylorus on the lateral projections, and leftward deviation of the stomach on the VD projection.
There is a large, ovoid, fat opacity mass within the left retroperitoneum, measuring approximately 16 L x 9.5 H x 12 W cm, and causing rightward displacement of the left kidney and small intestines. This mass is causing leftward deviation of the left lateral body wall.
The GI tract is otherwise normal. The spleen and urinary bladder remain normal.
Suspected focal mass of the right liver, causing caudal and leftward displacement of the stomach
The fat opacity mass in the retroperitoneum is most consistent with an intra-abdominal lipoma.
The hepatic mass and lipoma were confirmed on ultrasound. The hepatic mass was diagnosed as carcinoma based on FNAs