Case of the week 8.6.2018

Adrien-Maxence Hespel

University of Tennessee

Publication Date: 2018-08-06


13 year old female spayed dog. Left pelvic lameness for the last 6 months


Orthogonal radiographs of the pelvis.

There are marked osseous changes of the left coxofemoral joint. The left acetabulum is cranially displaced compared to the right and has marked periarticular osseous proliferation, mild sclerosis, and lobular osseous proliferation of the caudal aspect of the acetabular rim.

The femoral head and neck are misshapen, diffusely mildly osteopenic, and have multifocal regions of irregular osseous proliferation and ill-defined pinpoint regions of lysis. The femoral neck is foreshortened and there is the impression of malalignment of the head and neck.

On the frog-legged view, there is an ill-defined curvilinear radiolucency extending in a cranial to caudal direction through the femoral neck.

There is mild muscle atrophy of the gluteal and thigh musculature.

On the initial lateral radiograph of the pelvis, there is the impression of mild lysis and poor definition of the dorsal lamina of the mid and cranial body of L4. On the lateral radiograph centered on the lumbar spine, these changes are no longer as conspicuous.

There are multiple round calculi within the urinary bladder. There is a small ovoid mineral focus 0.5cm in length and 0.2cm in width superimposed with the neck of the urinary bladder.



Femoral head and neck ostectomy were performed. The tissue was submitted for histopathology. There was no evidence of neoplastic or infectious process.


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