Case of the week 5.7.18
Publication Date: 2018-05-07
7 year old male castrated french bulldog. Previous history of soft palate resection, and unilateral nasal discharge. Currently vomiting and retching.
6 images
Orthogonal radiographs of the thorax and abdomen are acquired.
There is marked gas distention of the esophagus. This dilation extends cranially to the level of the upper esophageal sphincter. At this level, within the lumen, there is a large soft tissue opaque lobular object which contains multiple small curvilinear and round gas foci.
The cardiac silhouette is decreased in size from previous and the pulmonary vessels are undersized.
The serosal detail is normal. The liver remains mildly decreased in size with cranial deviation of the gastric axis. The stomach contains a moderate amount of gas. The small intestines are soft tissue opaque and diffusely normal in diameter and distribution the colon is empty. The spleen, kidneys and urinary bladder are normal.
There are multiple vertebral abnormalities consistent with the breed and mild degenerative changes to the spine. There is incidental mild enthesopathy of the coxofemoral joints.
Additional radiographs
This object is well-defined on the lateral view of the cervical region and can be seen extending from the caudal aspect of the oropharynx, into the most cranial aspect of the esophagus and measures 6.1 cm in length and 2 cm in height.
- Oropharyngeal/upper esophageal sphincter foreign body. The gas distention of the esophagus is likely gas entrapment and/or esophagitis.
- Microhepatia likely represents an anatomic variation.
The patient underwent endoscopy and the foreign body was removed. The foreign body was determined to be a " Himalayan cheese" dog treat.