Case of the week 4.30.18
Publication Date: 2018-04-30
3 images
Multiple radiographs of the thorax are acquired.
There are multiple round well-defined soft tissue opaque nodules diffusely throughout the pulmonary parenchyma and measuring up to 3.27 cm in diameter.
Within the dorsocaudal aspect of the left lung lobe, there is an ill-defined soft tissue opaque mass with a mildly granular pattern which tapers caudally. This mass measures approximately 13 cm in length and 6.6 cm in height. The cardiovascular structures are normal. The included thoracic spine and ribs are normal.
Multiple pulmonary nodules and pulmonary mass are most concerning for a neoplastic or an infectious process, such as fungal pneumonia (blastomycosis) or equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis.
FNAs of the lung nodules were performed. Cytologic diagnosis was suspicious for epithelial neoplasia. On necropsy an adrenal and renal mass were found.