Hepatic and renal PKD cat ultrasound video

Adrien Hespel

Publication Date: 2016-10-28


Service Radiology

Modality: Radiographs

Species: Feline

Area: Abdomen


6 year old male castrated ragdoll. Very thin body condition score

3 images



  1. What disease should you consider based on this radiographs ?


    Yes :) But ?
    Perirenal pseudocyst

    Yes :) But ?
    Bilateral hydronephrosis

    Yes :) But ?
    All of the above

    Yeaha ! :)


There is normal serosal detail. The liver is mildly enlarged and has a rounded to slightly lobulated caudoventral margin. The kidneys are markedly generally enlarged and irregularly shaped. Both are displaced ventrally with the caudal pole of the right kidney also cranially displaced on the lateral views. There are a few areas of heterogenous mineralization in both kidneys.

The intestines are displaced ventrally and caudally. The spleen and urinary bladder are normal. The skeletal structures are normal.

Ultrasound video and report

Ultrasound Video

Liver: Multiple variably sized thin-walled polycystic anechoic areas are noted throughout the liver parenchyma, some distorting vascular margins and some distorting the liver margins.

Kidneys: The kidneys are bilaterally severely enlarged, measuring up to 10 cm in length. Bilaterally, the normal parenchyma is effaced by variably sized thin-walled cysts, some with anechoic content and others with echogenic content. Very little normal renal parenchyma is seen between the cystic lesions. The left renal pelvis is not clearly visualized.


Severe bilateral polycystic renal disease.

Concurrent polycystic liver disease.
