Pathologic fracture canine
Publication Date: 2016-09-26
Service Radiology
Modality: Radiographs
Species: Canine
Area: Limb
10 year old greyhound acutely lame after jumping from the sofa
2 images
Orthogonal radiographs of the right tarsus are available for interpretation.
At the level of the distal tibia there is a large area of expansile geographic lysis which is extending distally towards the tibio-tarsal joint but without evidence of joint involvement. There is mild periosteal proliferation on the caudo-medial aspect of the distal tibia.
Associated with these lytic changes of the tibia, there is a close complete spiral fracture. The distal fragment is mildly displaced cranially. The fracture fragments are well-defined and there is no evidence of callus formation.
At the level of the mid-diaphysis of the fibula there is mild to moderate bowing with associated ill-defined periosteal proliferation.
There is mild to moderate soft tissue swelling surrounding the distal right hindlimb.
Pathologic fracture associated with a monostotic agressive osseous lesion.
The bowing of the fibula and associated local thickening could represent evidence of previous trauma or less likely contiguous neoplastic changes.
Pathology Report
Primary consideration is given to osteosarcoma.