Publication Date: 2016-05-03
Service Radiology
Modality: Radiographs
Species: Canine
Area: Limb
2 images
Orthogonal radiographs of the pelvis are available for interpretation. Bilaterally there is severe remodeling of the coxofemoral joints and associated subluxation, slighlty worse on the right side. There is loss of demarcation between the femoral head and neck, the femoral heads are squared and severely sclerotic. There is also severe sclerosis of both acetabuli with severe remodeling due to the presence of osteophytes and enthesiophytes. Subjectively there is bilateral muscular atrophy
Bilateral coxofemoral degenerative joint disease and associated subluxation likely secondary to underlying hip dysplasia.
- Amongst those breeds which one is the least likely to have hip dysplasia ?German Shepherd
They are prone to HDRottweiler
They are prone to HDMaine Coon
Main Coon do get HDChihuahua
Very unlikely for a toy breed dog to get HD, more likely to have Legg Calve Perthes