8y F German shepherd with several week history of intermittent anorexia, diarrhea, fever, and lethargy. Additionally, the owners noted she has been losing weight.

Kelsey Cline


Publication Date: 2015-11-15


Service Anatomy

Modality: Radiographs

Species: Canine

Area: Abdomen


8y F German shepherd with several week history of intermittent anorexia, diarrhea, fever, and lethargy. Additionally, the owners noted she has been losing weight.

5 images



On the lateral projections, irregular, streaky, linear soft tissue opacities are seen superimposed with the falciform fat. On the ventrodorsal projection, there is decreased detail in the right cranial quadrant at the pyloric duodenal junction. The stomach is moderately distended with gas. A slight widening of the pyloric-duodenal angle is seen. The descending duodenum is moderately distended with gas, and multiple, well defined lateral outpouchings with flattened borders are seen in the duodenum on the VD projection. The rest of the intestinal tract is gas and fluid filled and normal in size.


The described changes including the free abdominal fluid, widening of the pyloric-duodenal angle, and decreased detail within the right cranial quadrant are common radiographic signs of pancreatitis.

Multiple choice questions

  1. What do those outpouchings in the descending duodenum represent? Are they normal or abnormal to see? (Noted by the arrows in the image below)

    Ulcerations in the duodenum secondary to the pancreatitis - Abnormal

    Try again!
    Peyer's patches - Normal

    Yes! Peyer's patches are lymphoid tissues within the intestines. They are commonly seen in dogs with gas distended duodenums.
    Pseudoulcerations - Abnormal

    Try again! Pseudoulcerations are also known as Peyer's patches, which are normally seen in a gas distended duodenum.

  2. What is a common finding in a dog with pancreatitis?

    Loss of abdominal detail

    This can be seen in pancreatitis
    Widening of the pyloric-duodenal angle

    This can be seen in pancreatitis
    Corrugation of the duodenum and transverse colon

    This can be seen in pancreatitis
    Mass effect between the greater curvature of the stomach and transverse colon.

    This can be seen in pancreatitis
    Mineralization in the region of the pancreas

    This can be seen in pancreatitis
    None of the above

    Try again!
    All of the above

