Diaphragmatic hernia
Publication Date: 2015-07-05
Service Anatomy
Modality: Radiographs
Species: Canine
Area: Head
9 year old Daschund HBGC (hit by golf cart) two months ago, difficulty breathing and is now inappetent.
3 images
Orthogonal radiographs of the thorax are available for interpretation. There is no evidence of an aggressive orthopedic process or musculoskeletal trauma. In the thoracic cavity there is a large amount of soft tissue opacity noted more so in the right hemithorax. This results in silhouetting of the cardiac outline and right diaphragmatic crus. The lung lobes appear to be retracted and displaced dorsally, this is also associated with dorsal displacement of the trachea. Most noted on the lateral projections, there are numerous tubular gas filled structures within the ventral aspect of the chest. The abdominal topography is abnormal and is characterized by a forward shit of the abdominal viscerae. The margins of the stomach, liver and spleen cannot be seen in the abdomen. A gas filled structure most consistent with the cecum is noted just caudal to the dorsal aspect of the diaphragm.
Diaphragmatic hernia with likely herniation of the liver, spleen, stomach and small intestines.