Subtle pyometra
Publication Date: 2015-04-05
3 images
Orthogonal radiographs of the caudal abdomen are available for interpretation. The radiographs were performed at the referring veterinarian. In the caudal abdomen there is overall good serosal detail. Noted on both lateral views, there is a tubular well-defined soft tissue structure visualized between the ventral aspect of the colon and the dorsal aspect of the bladder. This measures about 1.5-2cm and appears to continue cranially in the ventral abdomen. Mild ventral spondylosis affecting the mid lumbar spine as well as degenerative osseous changes affecting both coxo-femoral joint is also seen.
Enlarged uterus. This is likely to represent a pyometra based on the clinical history. However, other causes of uteromegaly such as mucometra, hydrometra, hemometra or early pregnancy are less likely but cannot be ruled out.
Pathology Report
Open pyometra